+254-700-605-350 ceo@ladep.org


Given that LADEP is a new development organization that isn’t yet well-established, it will commence with simple, less-costly, and easy-to-execute development programmes geared toward the alleviation and elimination of extreme poverty in the villages. In its bid to help rural communities help themselves (empower), LADEP will soon initiate a few programmes and projects that mostly revolve around the agriculture, business, and education sectors of the Kenyan economy.


Entrepreneurship is one of the most reliable strategies for the socio-economic empowerment of people. It has been documented that most of the small businesses that collapse in Kenya are mostly situated in the rural areas.

Entrepreneurial Training

LADEP will organize free business training sessions, seminars, workshops, and where possible, offer short-term business management courses in the villages for the acquisition of basic day-to-day business skills. The need for aggressive involvement in entrepreneurship will be emphasized.  Participants will be trained on how to get started, how to manage a business, and how to grow it. The participants will be tasked with the assignment of forming groups of five and starting a small business of their choice. The idea behind this is to develop in them the entrepreneurial culture.

Access to Microfinance

LADEP, through its field officers, will closely monitor the progress of the small businesses started by the recipients of our free short-term business training courses. Those with viable business plans will have the opportunity to apply for small interest-free loans from LADEP so as to grow their businesses.




The agricultural sector is the lifeline of Kenya’s economy. It accounts for 30% of the Gross Domestic Product (G.D.P). The sector is estimated to have a further indirect contribution of nearly 27% of the G.D.P through linkages with manufacturing, distribution, and other service-related sectors. The agricultural sector influences the overall economic performances through its contribution to the G.D.P. Periods of higher economic growth rates have been synonymous with increased agricultural growth. Therefore, inasmuch as there should be greater diversification of the economy, it also makes perfect sense to invest more in the agricultural sector which employs—directly or indirectly–more than 80% of those in the job market. It is important to note that most of the nation’s agriculture is practiced in the rural zones. Given these information, LADEP intends to work in conjunction with all the stakeholders in the agricultural sector, including the government’s Ministry of Agriculture, in addressing the plight of farmers who are faced by numerous hurdles that do not allow them to benefit much from their hard work.

Schedule Consultation

Guiding Scripture

“Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive, and he will be blessed on the earth; You will not deliver him to the will of his enemies”. {Psalms 41: 1-2}